Advance Extension Technology
AGC Fire-Safe Building Systems Revolutionizing Safety and Design

Our External Wall Insula3on (EWI) system is a cornerstone of AGC’s approach to enhancing building safety and thermal efficiency. This pre-specified building system, approved by the Bri3sh Board of Agrément (BBA), incorporates high-quality, fire-rated cladding materials designed to significantly reduce the risk of fire spread while offering superior insula3on. The EWI system is expertly engineered to integrate seamlessly with exis3ng
Fire-Rated Cladding Materials: U3lizing the latest in fire-resistant technology, our cladding materials are selected for their ability to withstand extreme temperatures and prevent fire propaga3on.
Professional Fire Stop Installa3on: AGC specializes in the comprehensive installa3on of fire stops, ensuring that all poten3al gaps and penetra3ons are securely sealed to maintain the integrity of fire compartments within the building.

AGC Underground System

Robust Concrete Founda3ons : Designed for durability and strength, our concrete founda3ons ensure a solid base for any construc3on, effec3vely suppor3ng the building load and providing a firm grounding against environmental stresses.
Comprehensive Ground Floor Solu3ons: Our concrete ground floor systems are engineered for op3mal performance, incorpora3ng moisture barriers and insula3on
as part of a comprehensive approach to building safety and durability.
executed to meet specific project needs.
AGC Roofing Systems
At the top of our building system solu3ons are the AGC roofing systems, which are designed with a focus on safety, longevity, and performance. Whether op3ng for a wooden structure, metal, or fletch beams.
Key Features
Diverse Material Op3ons : Choose from wooden structures for tradi3onal appeal, metal for modern durability, or fletch beams for a blend of both aesthe3cs and strength.
Expert Roof Design: Our roof designs are carefully cra@ed to op3mize weight distribu3on, water drainage, and thermal insula3on.

Commitment to Excellence